We offer a variety of services that you might not know about!
Did you know that Automotive Locksmith Hawaii can . . .
- Make keys for an existing lock, even if you lost the key?
- Duplicate and program vehicle transponder (chip) keys?
- Make and program car transponder (chip) keys, even if you lost all the originals?
- Make and program laser cut keys, even if you lost the originals?
- Re-key your broken ignition for cheaper than replacing the entire thing?
- Re-key existing locks to match an existing Master Key System?
Lost Your Car Keys? Our skilled locksmiths can re-create your original car keys using a variety of techniques:
- Use VIN to make keys
- Programming electronic car keys by PIN code
- Cut car keys by key code
- Impressioning vehicle locks
- De-coding car locks
At Auto Locksmith Hawaii, we don't just do vehicles, cars, trucks, motorcycles, and mopeds. We service all types of lock hardware, including locks for private homes, condominiums, military and commercial buildings.
Auto Locksmith Hawaii has professional locksmiths on call at 548-1999 on Oahu. We pride ourselves on fast responses, expert advice, quality materials, and most importantly, guaranteed customer satisfaction.
Automotive Locksmith Hawaii's Master Locksmith Services Include:
- Making lost keys
- re-creating auto transponder keys from scratch
- making laser-cut keys
- Lock re-keying
- car doors
- car trunks
- motorcycle saddlebags
- car ignitions
- Extracting broken keys
- Fixing and reinstalling auto ignitions
- Car Key Replacement
- Key copying
- Transponder (chip) key duplication
- Laser / Lazer key duplicatio
- Emergency Lockouts and Opening Locks of all types
- Car door lockout opening
- All makes and models
- Car trunk lockout opening
- Car door lockout opening
- Door opening and lock and key repair on:
- Cars
- Trucks
- Motorcycles
- Mopeds
- Padlocks
- Ignitions
- Starlock (round barrel keys)
- and more
If you aren't sure what you need, call us! Our locksmiths are waiting to help you, 548-1999.
Automotive Locksmith Hawaii > Services
> Emergency Services
> Vehicle Services
> Residential Services
> Commercial Services