Residential Services

Call Automotive Locksmith Hawaii for all your Home Security Needs

Automotive Locksmith Hawaii has a wealth of experience working in Hawaii homes and condominiums. We pride ourselves on giving the most honest and reliable service in Hawaii. Just read what our clients have to say about us.

We can work on doors, safes, locked drawers, mailboxes, gates, cabinets, and everything else you can think of that has a locking mechanism attached. If it locks, we can probably unlock it.

Our Professional Locksmiths are also experts in intercom systems, closed circuit televisions, alarm systems, and all your home security needs.

If you've been thinking about installing a home security system, call us for free consultation or to schedule an appointment. Reach us any time of day or night at 548-1999. We will come to your home with our fully-equipped mobile workshops.

>>Automotive Locksmith Hawaii Pricing FAQ

Automotive Locksmith Hawaii's Residential Locksmith Services Include:

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Automotive Locksmith Hawaii > Services

> Emergency Services
> Vehicle Services
> Residential Services
> Commercial Services

Automotive Locksmith Hawaii is Operated by

Automotive Locksmith Hawaii and all The Key Guy affiliates are kama'aina companies located in Hawaii. Support local businesses!